Andrew Norman is a Research Scientist with the University of Virginia's high energy group. Dr. Norman recieved his PhD in 2004 from the College of William and Mary, located in Williamsburg Virginia. During his graduate career he worked as a graduate research assistant with the William and Mary High Energy Group (W&M HEG) with John Kane, Morton Eckhause and Robert Welsh. His areas of research interest include rare decays of the long-lived neutral kaon, searches for physics beyond the standard model, muon to electron conversion as well as other topics in medium and high energy particle physics. His graduate research was primarly in association with Brookhaven National Labs on AGS Experiments E871 and E935.
His current research focuses on Lepton Flavor Violation and Neutrino mixing. Currently Andrew is stationed at Fermi National Accelerator Lab (Fermilab) as an active and leading member of the NOvA Experiment (DAQ and hardware readout systems), the Mu2E Experiment (background estimates, simulation and software infrastructure development) and the DZero Experiment (analysis of rare B-meson decays).
For a current listing of his research and publications see his CV listed below or contact him for details.