Physics 2010 Fall 2021
Course Rules
These rules may seem onerous and perhaps a bit pedantic,
but they are needed to avoid misunderstandings.
There is a story, some incredible, behind almost every one.
A set of unambiguous rules is particularly needed in a class
of this size where, unfortunately, it is impossible to be as flexible
as in smaller classes.
- By registering for the course you are agreeing to take the midterms
and final exam at the appointed times.
- We do not give incompletes. If, for whatever reason you cannot
keep up with the course requirements, then you are expected to withdraw
from the course.
- No makeup exams will be given. There will be no rescheduling of exams.
Missed exams receive a grade of zero unless an excuse for
missing the exam is given to and accepted by the professor before
the exam. In very unusual circumstances, when an exam is excused,
the remaining exams will be averaged. Students should not depend on
this happening: vacations, travel plans, family reunions, concerts,
Nobel prize receptions, White House visits, athletic events for
non-participants, other classes, etc, will not be an acceptable excuse
for missing an exam or for not turning in homework.
- If you miss the beginning of an exam, you will still be expected to
turn in the exam at the end of the regular class. Oversleeping is not
an acceptable excuse.
- Illness (as an excuse) must always be established in writing/email.
Written/email evidence from a doctor or a nurse is sufficient.
- We do not give any extra credit work.
- Homework is due when posted on MasteringPhysics. No extra credit or makeup
assignments will be given. Keep up! Any request for an extension must
be made before the due date, not after. Do not wait until the last minute
to do the excercises: a down internet connection is not an acceptable excuse
for an extension.
- Collaboration on homework problems: You may discuss homework
problems with each other and work out together methods of solution.
However, our experience has been that it is valuable for you to work
the homework problems by yourself before seeking help. The homework
answer that you submit to WebAssign must be your own that you calculate.
It is an honor violation for you to copy another person's solution.
- The following is unacceptable in class: talking with classmates,
newspaper reading, cell phones
ringing or in use, use of laptop computers or other personal electronic
devices for any reason other than directly for the class.
- We will enforce all of the rules of the University of Virginia’s
Honor System, including those associated with academic fraud. By enrolling
in this course, a student implicitly agrees to be bound by that honor
system and its rules.
- If, in our judgment, it is beyond a reasonable doubt that a student has
committed an honor violation that student will receive an immediate grade
of "F" for that work, irrespective of any subsequent action taken by the
Honor Committee.
- We will contact the University Administration, the University Police,
and/or the University Judiciary Committee regarding any student who
attempts to intimidate us or harass us in an effort to improve their
grade or to obtain any special consideration or exception from the
normal class rules.
(Modified: June 12, 2021)