Power Distribution Box Requirements Craig Dukes ----------------------------------- January 25, 2010 Backplane: - Busbar current limits: - 3.3V: 2.0A per channel, 8.0A per board, 132A per box (2AWG, 115A) - 24V: 1.0A per channel, 4.0A per board, 70A per box (6AWG, 65A) - ground: 132A + 70A = 202A - Fermilab safety requires 1000A per square inch. Hence: 3.3V: 0.132 square inch (1/8” x 1.056”) Use: 1.125" 24V: 0.070 square inch (1/8” x 0.560”) Use: 0.625" ground: 0.202 square inch (1/8" x 1.616") Use: 1.625" Breakers: - Breakers: 3.3V 100A 24V 40A Trace Reqiurements: General - No traces should overlap the card slots. - 2oz copper should be used. - Fuses should be as close as possible to the backplane header. - Front panels must be connected to ground. - Power and return traces for different voltages must be separated such that there are no loops to allow magnetic noise coupling. - Current limiter components should be well away from grounds. - Need to have the return lines on the outside of the input headers. FEB Card: - Text: "NOVA PDB FEB Card Univ. Virginia v3.1 Jan 2010" - Current capability: - 3.3V: 2.0A per channel, 8.0A per card - 24V: 1.0A per channel, 4.0A per card DCM Card: - Text: "NOVA PDB DCM Card Univ. Virginia v3.1 Jan 2010" - Current capability: - FEB power: - 3.3V: 2.0A per channel, 4.0A per card - 24V: 1.0A per channel, 2.0A per card - DCM power: - 24V: 6.0A for the DCM output Indicator Card: - Text: "NOVA PDB Indicator Card Univ. Virginia v3.1 Jan 2010" Backplane: - Text: "NOVA PDB Backplane Univ. Virginia v3.1 Jan 2010" - Keyed DCM card