1 nsstr number of SS tracks 2 vxxi Xi x vertex 3 vyxi Xi y vertex 4 vzxi Xi z vertex 5 vdla Xi z vertex - Lam Z vertex (This might be the other way check) 6 gchi gfit chi^2 7 gndf gfit degrees fo freedom 8 mlam Lam mass 9 mcas Xi mass 10 calK Cal(K) trigger bit 1 calca Cal(Cas) trigger bit 2 xcal x position at Calorimeter 3 ycal y position at Calorimeter 4 xslop downstream x slope of proton 5 yslop downstream y slope of proton 6 xint proton x intercept at bend plane 7 yint proton y intercept at bend plane 8 zint proton z intercept at bend plane 9 nostr number of OS tracks 20 nbtrk number of beam tracks 1 adc1 ADC1 2 adc2 3 adc3 4 adc4 5 adc5 6 adc6 7 adc7 8 adc8 9 adc9 30 adc10 1 adc11 2 adc12 ADC12 3 trig1 trigger bit 1 4 trig2 5 trg3 6 trg4 7 trg5 8 trg6 9 trg7 40 trg8 1 trg9 2 trg10 3 trg11 4 trg12 trigger bit 12 5 ptos proton momentum 6 ptss1 Lam(pi) momentum 7 ptss2 Cas(pi) momentum could be reversed 8 costh Cos(theta) 9 run Run Number 50 rcas Does it pass the Raw cascade cuts 1 ohhit Number of OS hodoscope hits 2 ohlat Number of OS hodoscope latches 3 sh1ht Number of SS hodoscope hits in front plane (odd?) 4 sh1lt Number of SS hodoscope latches in front plane 5 sh2ht Number of SS hodoscope hits in back plane 6 sh2lt Number of SS hodoscope latches inback plane 7 rcnl Does it pass Raw Cascade cuts not including mass cuts 8 rcnx Does it pass Raw Cascade cuts not including Xi mass cut 9 ppioa Second best p pi mass (If only 3 tracks will swap pions) 60 plmoa Second best pi lambda mass 1 kshtm K short mass Note: - Some true/falses might be swaped. Please always check. - "vdla" is backwords of what you would expect. i.e. the good events run from -big number to +50 instead of -50 to + big number. - "rcnl" and "rcnx" may be swapped.