++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ + + + EVENT TYPE (carried by evnt_type, see event_type.inc) + + + ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ -------------------------------------------------------------------------- bit name driver short description -------------------------------------------------------------------------- muon mu_event.f at least one muon track dimuon mu_event.f at least two muon tracks k3pi tag_k3pi.f raw mass of 1 OS and 2 SS tracks within 50MeV of m(PDG) tks3up tag_tks3up.f at least 1 OS and 2 SS tracks k_0 sel_k0_2pi.f exactly 1 OS and 1 SS track; some selection cuts psingle_tk tag_psingle_tk.f prescaled single track lambda find_lambda.f exactly 1 OS and 1 SS track; some selection cuts cascade cas_omega_event.f gfit converges; best candidate mass within 50MeV of m(PDG) omega cas_omega_event.f gfit converges; best candidate mass within 50MeV of m(PDG) sel_cascade gold_cascade sel_omega sel_k3pi sel_k2pi sel_2tk_lambda miss_pi_lam_cas miss_lam_pi_2tk.f exactly 1 OS and 1 SS track; vertex separation cuts, mass of cascade within 50MeV of m(PDG) value miss_pi_lam_om miss_lam_pi_2tk.f like above with omega mass within 50MeV window sel_2tk_cascade sel_2tk_omega trigg_event sel_monitor_trigger.f triggs: RF, SSWCal, LRW, Advanc, Beam; some trk req. force_thru tag_force_thru.f prescaled raw event rand_monitor rand_monit.f 2 random per spill of each cascade and gold_cascade CAS_TRIG trig_event.f Cas trigger latched for this event K_TRIG trig_event.f K trigger LRW_TRIG trig_event.f LRW trigger SSWCal_TRIG trig_event.f SSWCal trigger OSWCal_TRIG trig_event.f OSWCal trigger --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ************ STREAMS ************ _________________________________________________________________________________ --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- strm name evnt_type dst raw DST-packer _________________________________________________________________________________ 2 cascade tks3up, lambda, k_0(prescaled) X X pack_dst_strm5_v6.f psingle_tk, dimuon, force_thru, miss_pi_lam_cas, miss_pi_lam_om 4 mon-triggs trigg_event X X pack_dst_strm5_v6.f 6 monitoring rand_monitor X pack_dst_strm5_v6.f 7 muon (muon & tks3up) or dimuon X X pack_dst_mu_v6.f _________________________________________________________________________________ --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- DST variables (in track_info.inc unless marked otherwise) event type -> evnt_type (event_type.inc) time stamp -> trigger(7) (trigger_data.inc) number of tracks -> num_tracks z of bend plane -> zBndPln (bm109_info.inc) up-stream x slope -> x_slope(1,itk) up-stream y slope -> y_slope(1,itk) down-stream x slope -> x_slope(2,itk) down-stream y slope -> y_slope(2,itk) number of os tracks -> ntrk_os pointer to os tracks -> ptrk_os(ntrk_os) number of ss tracks -> ntrk_ss pointer to ss tracks -> ptrk_ss(ntrk_ss) x intercept -> xyz_intercept(1,itk) y intercept -> xyz_intercept(2,itk) z intercept -> xyz_intercept(3,itk) raw hits yes/no (1/0) indicator -> nxuvx(ich,iv,itk) value of raw hit -> xuvx(ich,iv,itk) ------------------------------------------ DST content: pack_dst_strm5_v6.f __________________________________________ event type time stamp z of band plane number of OS + SS (ntks) tracks (or 1 for psingle_tk event) for each ntks slopes intercepts raw hits end for each ntks ------------------------------------------ DST content: pack_dst_mu_v6.f __________________________________________ event type z of band plane bdl number of OS + SS (ntk) tracks for each ntks slopes intercepts raw hits binary muon hits (prop. tubes, hodoscopes) end for each ntks -------------- Piotr Zyla Feb 14, 2000 --------------